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Politics are Sad: A Roger Moore Perspective

The Tragic State of Politics Today

In a world where politics has become increasingly polarized, it's hard not to feel a sense of sadness. The once noble pursuit of public service has devolved into a dirty game of power and greed.

As we watch the news, it's easy to get caught up in the drama and spectacle of it all. But beneath the surface, there are real people suffering, real communities torn apart by partisan bickering.


The Impact on Our Youth

Our children are growing up in a world where politics has become increasingly toxic. They're learning that it's okay to hate and demonize those who disagree with us.

This is not the kind of world we want our kids to inherit. We need to teach them that politics should be about serving others, not just about winning power.


Finding Hope in the Midst of Sadness

While it's easy to get caught up in the sadness of politics, there are still reasons to be hopeful. There are people working tirelessly behind the scenes to make a difference.

We can all play a role in creating positive change. We just need to take that first step and start talking to each other, listening to each other's perspectives.
